We are a lively and welcoming church

All are welcome to join us at St Matthew’s.
We are a growing church, being transformed by Jesus & bringing transformation in our community. The best way to get to know more about us is to join us at a Sunday morning celebration.
You can expect a warm welcome, uplifting worship, an engaging sermon, and a friendly group of people seeking to live their lives as followers of Jesus. Afterwards you can expect hot drinks, biscuits and friendly chat.

What we believe 

From the youngest to the oldest, we believe we were made to be in a vibrant relationship with God, who made us and loves us. This relationship comes through the person of Jesus, who was born as man, lived on earth, died for us and is now risen to new life. Christians share new life with God through the work of the Holy Spirit, God’s presence and power in the lives of his people today.

This is not about a bunch of rules and regulations to follow – it’s a growing awareness of God’s love and awesome purpose for your life. It’s about becoming a whole-hearted follower of Jesus Christ – a decision with immediate, and eternal, benefits. In relationship with God we find forgiveness from the past, new life in the present, and an amazing hope for the future.
If you would like to find out more about what we believe, why not join us on our next Alpha Course?