with provision for children aged 0-14

What should I expect at a church service?
You can expect a warm welcome, uplifting worship, an engaging sermon, and a friendly group of people seeking to live their lives as followers of Jesus. Afterwards you can expect hot drinks, biscuits and friendly chat.
What should I wear?
Wear whatever you normally wear. There’s no dress code – we are far more concerned with getting to know you.
What usually happens in a service?
After a welcome, most Sunday services start with singing together – join in with as much as you feel comfortable, or feel free to simply listen. The service will also include one or two readings from the Bible, with a talk to help us think through how God might want us to live our lives, and how we can know him better. Our response to this will often include prayers and singing, before we have the chance to share bread and wine in communion. If you would normally receive the bread and wine when you attend church, you are very welcome to do so here. If not, we love to include everyone by offering a prayer of blessing instead. The service finishes with a final song before we are sent out into God’s world ready to live for Jesus in the week ahead.
What if I've got children?
All-Age Communion on the 1st Sunday of the month is intended to be a service that is engaging and accessible for people of all different ages, where young and old can enjoy worshipping together. On other Sundays there is JAM, separate groups that happen during the service so that our young people can learn and worship in their own way.