Serving within St Matthew’s is a great way to get to know other people and grow in your walk with Jesus.
Midweek Opportunities
During the week, church maintenance, cleaning, communications, assisting with small groups and outreach are all areas to get involved. There are also a number of one-off opportunities to serve during our bigger church events.
Sunday Services
During both the morning and evening services, there are opportunities to serve through worship, projection, and sound desk. During the mornings, there is also the chance to join the kids teams, sides persons’ rota, hospitality team, and prayer ministry team.
We have three partner organisations we seek to support. Locally, we partner with the Engage Trust. Nationally, with New Wine. Internationally, with Hands at Work in Africa.

Interested in Serving?
Get in touch! We like to make sure that everyone is being fed spiritually alongside serving within church.